I love finding new stamp companies, and one of my favorite new kids on the block is Avery Elle. Their clean and trendy designs are perfect for any occasion you can make a card for, and combining multiple stamps is super easy. So, when my stamps came, I couldn't wait to ink them and design with them.
I am so loving the ikat pattern that's hot this season. From dishware to throw pillows, this pattern is hot hot hot and trend-i-licious. I knew that I wanted to incorporate the ikat pattern in my card using the Ikat set, but I was a little stumped on how to do this. After staring at the photo, and idea came to me-mask the ikat pattern into a simple shape like the hanging patterns in the photo.

I created two masks for this project, a mask of the negative-punched circle shape, and a mask of the positive circle shape. Using the photo as inspiration, I then masked various ikat patterns in the negative space, even adding a circle and sentiment from the Picture It set randomly in the design.
Patterns are beyond the days, of having to hide in the background, like a boring after thought at a party. You can draw attention to a simple pattern and make it stand out in a design. Try looking at your patterned stamps in a new way, thinking of how to showcase your favorite element of the stamp in a way that draws the viewer's eye to it.
What's your favorite way to use a patterned stamp?
materials: Ikat set | Picture It set | Aqua Mist Ink | Hawaiian Shores Ink | Cantaloupe | Pale Tomato Ink
Wow, Emily--such a creative use of the inspiration photo! You are an artist! Think I'll have to check into Avery Elle now!