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Seasons Givings Blog Hop

Welcome to the second annual Season's Givings Blog Hop. This hop was created to thank the readers  and supporters of our blogs.  You guys are amazing, and help make blogging so wonderful because we can share our love of crafting with you! As a thank you, each blog will be hosting a giveaway, so there are plenty of ways for you to win lots of goodies to start off the paper crafting year with!

Today, I wanted to share some of my favorite cards from the past year.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look. Now's your turn to win something! I am giving away a collection of goodies from Crate Paper's Party Day collection. For your chance to win, leave a comment by Monday, January 6th 11:59pm PST telling me what your 2014 paper crafting goal is. I'll pick a winner and post them here after, so make sure to check back.

For additional chances to win follow me on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, and let me know in the comment section below.
Make sure to visit all the wonderful blogs on today's hop, they're are so many talented ladies participating today!






  1. Love your cards....esp the Happy Birthday one with the cupcake. So pretty!!

    Crafty goal: Start a ladies craft group at church for our community to share some of the many things I have learned (and won) from the lovely craft blogs I follow.

    How lovely of you to offer such yummy-looking blog candy. I already follow you by email. Yippee!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  2. I tried to follow you on Pinterest, but your link isn't working. I searched around and couldn't find you there, either. :(
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  3. New follower on Twitter: Janis@JanisinIdaho. Yippee!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  4. I love your cards!! Happy new year! For 2014, I want to keep having fun, and keep up with my Project Life.

  5. I super LOVE your style! awesome card picks!
    paper crafting goal: get & stay organized!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Hi Emily,
    Just wanted to let you know that your link on the lawn fawn site isn't working. And it's not working form the blog before you either. I hate to have so many miss your wonderful creations.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Your cards are gorgeous! Wow!!!

    My crafty goal for the year is just to make time for it!! So many memories to preserve!!

    Happy New Year!!

  8. My goal is to purge and organize ... smilynstef at aol dot com

  9. Very colorful and creative! My crafting goal is to complete unfinished projects and use up extra supplies.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  10. I love your cards! My goal is to craft more and stay organized!! Happy 2014! Patricia B

  11. Great Cards!! Happy New Year! Also, could you update my blog link to - thanks!

  12. Great Cards! Happy New Year! Also, could you update my blog link to - thanks!

  13. OMG, your cards are amazing! Happy new year to you!

  14. My goal is to step out of my comfort zone. Happy New Year!

  15. Love your cards year in review, they're beautiful! Crafty start a Technique Tuesday on my organize my craft room and make it more presentable as a spare bedroom, if that is possible! Happy New Year!

  16. BEAUTIFUL cards! LOVE each choice - and your bright, fun, and clean and simple style! My crafty goal is to clean and de-clutter! Happy New Year!!!

  17. I really like your cards really awesome. Am going to follow on pinterest. Janet

  18. Forgot my goal. I want to get more layouts done this year. Janet

  19. beautiful cards dear my goal is to make more layouts and cards thanks for the chance

  20. beautiful cards dear. my goal this year is to be on time with mi pictures on layouts i am barely finish 2008 so i have a long way to finish but hope never fails thanks for the chance and i wish you the best for you and your family this 2014... blessing

  21. Love all of your stuff, so bright and cheerful! Thanks for the chance to win a fun prize pack!

  22. Great cards!
    My stamping goal for this year is to continue making Christmas cards throughout the year.


    Love your cards!! BEAUTIFUL!!! I will be following your blog and will also do so on Pinterest.

    Thanks for this TERRIFIC blog hop! It has been WONDERFUL!!

  24. What fun cards -- one of my goals is to use the products I already have in a different and unique way. No sense buying stuff to look pretty on my shelves -- I need to get out of a rut of using the same stuff over and over!

  25. I really want to challenge myself creatively this year!!!

  26. I follow on Pinterest too!!

  27. My main goal is to make more time to get into my craft room. I have a new job and I haven't been able to craft as much as I would like to.

    Happy New Year! I hope you have a fabulous & crafty 2014!

    I love your beautiful cards!

    PS. The links to your blog in the hop are not working correctly.

  28. I also follow you on Instagram

  29. Love all your cards, especially the deer antler background! In 2014 I plan to organize my craft room so I can craft more! Happy New Year! Thanks so much for the chance to win! memalagene at gmail dot com

  30. Great cards. Happy New Year. Thanks for the chance to win.

  31. Oops - forgot my goal. I want to use what I have and let go of what I don't use.

  32. Happy New Year!! All of your cards are absolutely gorgeous!! My crafty goal for 2014 is to learn new techniques!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!


  33. Beautiful cards, Emily! I'm hoping to submit for pub again this year and join some teams, I let everything go when I had Avery.

  34. I follow you on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. (Like a stalker.)

  35. Nice projects! happy 2014!

  36. Beautiful cards, I hope to make more cards this yr as life has been so busy!

  37. Great clean modern style and fantastic way with colour. Happy New Year and thank you for the chance to win

  38. I'm following your papercrafting boards on pinterest

  39. Beautiful cards but Im very fond of butterflies especially. My craft organization is my goal so that I can find what Im looking for when making my cards. Thanks for a chance to win and Happy New Year.

  40. Love all your cards but Im very fond of butterflies especially. My goal is to organize my crafts so that I can find what Im looking for when creating my cards. Thanks for a chance to win and Happy New Year.

  41. Love your fun and whimsical designs! My crafty goal is to use and enjoy what I have. Cheers!

  42. happy 2014 and thanks for participating in the hop. the reindeer card is sooo cute.

  43. Wonderful cards. My crafting goals is to create a good stash of cards for many occasions. Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2014.

  44. Emily, you have a wonderful way with collage style cards; so fun and fresh!

  45. Thanks for sharing our wonderful projects! I am hoping to do more scrap-booking in 2014 and try more techniques. Happy New Year!

  46. Happy New Year!!! My craft goal is to begin project life. Thanks for the chance to win.

  47. My goal is to use up more of my supplies that I seem to be hoarding. ;) I love all your cards. SUPER CUTE! Thanks for a chance to win all the goodies.

  48. Happy New Year to you and your family. My craft goal is to try to use up some of my stash. Thanks for the chance.

    resatwo at sbcglobal dot net

  49. Happy 2014! My crafting goal is to be more active on my blog! Thanks for the chance to win!

  50. THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and for the chance to win!! LOVE your Project for today and looking forward to all of the AMAZING Inspiration to come in the New Year!! YIPPEE for 2014!! Have a FABULOUS Week!! =)

  51. My goal is to create more for me without obligations. Your chalkboard card is beautiful! Happy New Year!

  52. I LOVE all those beautiful cards.
    Thanks for sharing.
    y goal is to get to the organizing that has been put off way too long.
    Crafty hugs,

  53. My goal is to declutter! I have definitely become a craft hoarder! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  54. Your cards are so nice, Emily. I love your happy and simple style!! Thanks for the chance to win some great goodies!

  55. Fabulous cards! My goal is to improve my coloring! Thanks!

  56. Id love to make each of my 24 grandchildren a special ornament this year
    thanks for the chance to win

  57. Happy New Year, Thanks for the opportunity to win such lovely prizes. Love the inspiration, , looked further to see your lovely designs.
    My crafting goal is to learn more about stamping and how to use it effectively.

  58. following you on twitter as taraseamus

  59. following you on pinterest as nance459

  60. following you on instagram as nance459

  61. What a year of beautiful creations! Cannot wait to see what 2014 brings! Thanks for the chance to win!

  62. One of my crafty goals is to scrapbook at least 1 layout a week..Thanks for the chance! Happy New Year!

  63. Great cards, I particularly liked the love always card. My goal is simple: to clean/organize and keep cleaned/organized my craft room!

  64. My goal is to do some scrapping and card making with my 8-year-old daughter. I took a break when I had to return to school and I am ready to get back into it. Thank you for a chance to win such wonderful prizes.

  65. Following your blog and Pinterest. Thanks for the chance to win.

  66. Just beautiful cards! Thank you for such a great give away. Happy New Year. I wish you all the best. I started folloing you on Twitter.TOnlyalady.

  67. Wow, all your cards are so fun!! I really like how you used all those bright colors, something I am not able to do. I have that Martha Stewart butterfly punch that you used on the first couple, and I really like how you used it. Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win a fab prize. My goal this year is to plan ahead and actually send out cards on time. It's something I really struggle with and I am going to conquer it this year!

  68. My goal is to participate in challenges and learn new techniques. Thanks for sharing your work with us and giving us a chance to win.

  69. My goal is to participate in challenges and learn new techniques. Thanks for a chance to win.

  70. Thanks for sharing.

  71. I'm following you on Pinterest: @andreagarland

  72. I'm following you on Twitter: @garlandandrea

  73. Following you on instagram: @andreagarland

  74. This has been a really inspiring blog hop.thanks

  75. My 2014 crafty goal is to make more cards! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  76. On 2014 I want to stamp and color more! Lovely cards.
    Thanks for the opportunity and happy new year!

  77. Amazing cards! I love your style! thaks for the chance to win :)

    HAPPY 2014!

  78. Amazing cards! i love your style :)
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    and a HAPPY 2014!

  79. Yeah!!! Another great year of crafting!!!! Thank you for the give away!!!

  80. organize my cling stamps and use my dies, I always forget about them. :) Happy New Year! Thanks for the chance to win.

    Katie B.

  81. Looking forward to stamping more in 2014. Happy New Year! Thanks for the chance to win.

  82. My 2014 crafting goal is to build up a supply of cards like thank yous and sympathy cards. Thanks for the chance to win!

  83. Thanks for sharing!! i hope i find more time to do more projects

  84. Thanks for sharing!!

  85. My 2014 paper crafting goal is to spend less money buying crafty stuff and spend more time using crafty stuff...

  86. Happy New Year!! Great prize package! It's been so much fun hopping through all the blogs. Thanks for sharing!! You are all such talented ladies!!! My paper crafting goal for 2014 is to make more use of some of my older stamps that have been collecting dust.

  87. I plan to get my Christmas cards done EARLY this year. I want to make at least 10 cards every month so that I am not cramming in a BIG session at the end of November. LOL Thanks for a chance to win a great prize. :D

  88. I am now a "follower" of yours on Pinterest. :D
    Janet Sisk

  89. My goal this year with paper crafting as well as all other areas is to become much more organized!

    mjg0051 at yahoo dot com

  90. I follow you on Instagram:

    mjg0051at yahoo dot com

  91. I follow you on Pinterest:

    mjg0051 at yahoo dot com

  92. I follow you on Twitter as @carolina_blu_

    mjg0051 at yahoo dot com

  93. All of these cards are absolutely gorgeous!! I hope to use more of what I have and fight the urge to buy more than I use. Basically i want to create more. :)

  94. What gorgeous cards...I REALLY love the first one with the dark background and bold color pops! My crafty goal for 2014 is to get more layouts done!

  95. My 2014 paper crafting goal is try some LO's because I am making cards since over 2 years and feel like want to try some LO projects as well :-)
    Have a Happy Year!

  96. This hop has been FABULOUS!!!!! Such a long hop with so many creative participants is better than a big thick new book to read. Thanks for starting off my 2014 so divinely! Your prize sounds great. Crossing my fingers - loving having something to look forward to in the middle of this snowy, blocky winter.

  97. Great collection of 2013 faves!

    My crafty goal for 2014? Complete more Christmas cards throughout the year!

  98. Emily, you know I love your freestyle! Thank you for always inspiring me. Hugs.xx

  99. Oooh, some beautiful cards!! :) Happy New Year, Emily!

  100. I want to try new techniques and do more coloring.
    Your cards are great! Thanks!

  101. Love your cards! They're all so pretty. My goal this year is to MAKE time to craft instead of waiting for it to appear.

  102. THank you for the Blog Hop, really enjoyed it. My goal this year is to work less and papercraft more!!
    Enjoyed your blog

  103. My 2014 crafting goal is to make more of the things I want to make, not what everyone else wants. I also want to learn new techniques. Thanks for the chance to win a great prize package.

  104. My goal is to clear some space in my craft room by using some things up! Thanks for the chance to win! Your cards are amazing!!!!
    blythekitten at yahoo dot com

  105. Lovely cards, lots of
    bright colors used on
    them. Thanks for
    the chance to win
    your prize.
    Carla from Utah

  106. *HAPPY NEW YEAR* Thanks so much for the great inspiration and for the chance to win! :)

    My first crafty goal for 2014 is to get my craftroom ready to craft in. It was a dialysis unit in 2012 and 2013, but now that my husband has had his kidney transplant, I can clear it out and have some fun in there! :)

  107. Such pretty and colorful cards. My crafting goals for 2014 are to organize the craft room and to learn some new techniques.
    isoscia at aol dot com

  108. Your cards are so unique. I love that one with the cloud and faint rainbow especially. My crafty goal is to actually MAKE stuff with the endless amount of supplies I have. haha Thanks for the chance to win!

  109. Happy New Year!
    I am a new follower via email and pintrist
    Thank you for the opportunity to win such a nice prize pack and I am looking forward to more inspiration in the coming year!

  110. Forgot to tell you that my crafty goal this year is to use the bits and pieces I have laying around! They are starting to take over my craft area! LOL

  111. Wonderful style!! I am focused on more mini albums!! I always seem to get pulled away..not anymore!
    Have a wonderful 2014!
    Jackie P

    new follower!

  112. Tried to follow on biggie I am a pinner HAHA It is so addicting! But I use it for organization for ideas and when the mojo is just lacking!

    Jackie P

  113. I love your designs. Each one speaks to me in it's own way. I love your giveaway and would love to have it. My goal for 2014 is to learn and practice more techniques. Thanks

  114. Fabulous work! One of my goals is to gain crafty confidence and to try for more publication calls! Thanks!

  115. Happy New Year! My crafting goal for 2014 is to have more courage and not be so afraid to create!

  116. Your cards are gorgeous! My goal this year is to actually use my patterned paper instead of collecting it!

  117. Wow..fabulous creations!! I definitely need to start trying new techniques!!

  118. Happy New Year! Beautiful designs. Thanks so much for sharing. My goal is to continue to produce cards for Operation Write Home and my church for missions,

  119. My 2014 crafty goal is to make at least 3 mini albums and have an abundance of cards for the entire year-birthday,sympathy, get well, etc. I also want to have all my Christmas cards done by November. This is my first visit to your blog and I have really enjoyed it. You have a very unique style with a Shabby Chic flair. I will definitely visit again. Thanks so much for being part of this very large blog hop.

  120. Great cards! Love the fun clean looks of all of them! Thanks for offering a fun giveaway! Happy New Year!

  121. I love your colorful cards. This is my year to improve! I want to make more cards.

  122. Happy New Year! Beautiful 2013 projects and a great giveaway. I want to BE in 2014, whatever form that takes but be sure it will involve time to be crafty and be creative :)

  123. I'm following you on Pinterest :)
    (the out is missing from the link in the post)

  124. Thanks to all you bloggers who continually offer fresh inspiration to the rest of us. I appreciate all of you.

  125. My stamping goal this year is to learn from the experts (like you) on how to make trendier cards!

  126. My goal for this year is to let to make more cards for my family and friends...and make them early enough so I don't miss important events.

  127. My goal is to plan ahead when creating cards for special events. I'm usually creating cards to give my family and friends at the last moment.

  128. Love the cards you shared! My crafty goals are to be ahead in my DT assignments and not procrastinate!! thanks for the chance to win!!

  129. My goal is to plan ahead when creating cards for special events. I'm usually creating cards to give my family and friends at the last moment.

  130. Following you on Pinterest! (Amesari)

  131. My goal is just to enjoy the process and keep track of my year in a creative journal.

  132. Following you on Twitter!

  133. My goal for 2014 is to stop agonizing over tiny details. My perfectionism has resulted in too many cards ending up in the trash can. I need to remember that I am making cards to encourage not to impress.

  134. Definitely following you on Pinterest. In fact, I almost forgot to come back! ;)

  135. My paper crafting goal this year is to get cards made before they are needed at the last minute! Happy New Year!

  136. What a wonderful card line up!! Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year! Glad to have you on the hop!

  137. My crafting goal is to learn your style actually! I love the 4th and 5th cards you posted. I'm dying to conquer that eclectic thrown together style that I know is NOT thrown together!

  138. I follow you on Pinterest. Rebecca Menzies Ednie

  139. I'm following you on twitter.

  140. Beautiful cards!
    My goal is clean up my stamp room! It's a disaster!

  141. Holy cuteness! That was a load of eye candy. One of my 2014 crafty goals is to upload my projects in a timely manner. Happy New Year!

  142. Great year Emily, those projects are amazing and so much fun! Wishing you another happy & productive year!

  143. The link didn't work so I did a google search to find you. I'm glad I did. Thank you for the giveaway. My crafty goal for 2014 is to create what makes me happy and spread the happiness to others. :)

  144. Emily: Beautiful cards. Especially love how you use butterflies. They are very symbolic for me. My crafting goal for 2014 is to organize my office/craft room/guest room. I started following crafting blogs in 2013, and enjoyed it quite a bit. In 2014, however, I need to focus on making cards and keeping up with my loved ones special occasions. A handmade card is a wonderful and relatively easy way to demonstrate love and care for someone. Happy crafting! Cheers

  145. Emily: Beautiful cards! Especially love how you use butterflies. They are very symbolic for me. My crafting goal for 2014 is to organize my office/craft room/guest room. I started following crafting blogs in 2013, and enjoyed it quite a bit. In 2014, however, I need to focus on making cards and keeping up with my loved ones special occasions. A handmade card is a wonderful and relatively easy way to demonstrate love and care for someone. Happy crafting! Cheers

  146. my 2014 crafty goal is to create mini album using the mountain high of patterned papers I hoarded since 3 years ago.

  147. your cards are just so fresh and pretty! love them all! :)

  148. I love Crate Paper! thanks for a chance to win!

  149. love seeing all the new blogs and all the different styles of all the crafters. this coming year I would love to actually do some of the great techniques that I have pinned throughout this last year, instead of I like that and need to try-I want to DO. thanks
    upnurse at aol dot com

  150. following on twitter
    upnurse at aol dot com

  151. Thanks for the hop. Happy 2014!

  152. Instagram and Pinterest follower! My goal is to be better organized and get better at Copic coloring! Thanks for the chance to win. Happy New Year!

  153. Happy New Year! Beautiful cards! My crafty goal this year is to replenish my stash of cards!

  154. Happy New Year! Beautiful cards! My crafty goal this year is to replenish my stash of cards!

  155. my goal is to spend time creating art with my friends and blessing others with it.
    Thanks so much for participating in the blog hop. It is so much fun. Everyone is so talented and I appreciate the sharing of all the creative people. God bless..

  156. Love all those specimens - so "Emily with an edge" ;) I hope to use up lots of stash in 2014 and maybe sell a few cards.

  157. I think this is the first time I've been to your blog! Your cards rock!!! My goal is to make more stuff! In 2013 I didn't create as much as I needed to.

  158. I think this is the first time I've been to your blog! And your cards rock!!! My goal is to make more stuff!

  159. I am following you on Pinterest! Cute boards!


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